
On 11 February 2021 the Enterprise Chamber of the Amsterdam Court of Appeal ruled that the Dutch State must provide compensation to the holders of SNS REAAL and SNS Bank subordinated bonds, the holders of unlisted subordinated bonds, issued by SNS Bank under the name ‘SNS Participatie Certificaten 3’ and the holders of loans that were expropriated as a result of the nationalisation of SNS REAAL and SNS Bank on 1 February 2013. On 21 April 2023 the Supreme Court ratified the ruling of the Enterprise Chamber of 11 February 2021. With the Supreme Court's ruling, the value of the compensation has been finalised and a start was made on its disbursement. Applications for compensation payouts were submitted between 15 May 2023 and 25 June 2023. From 26 June 2023, you can no longer submit an application via the procedures on this website. The deadline for submitting an application for compensation through the procedures on this website has passed. From now on, submitting an application is only possible via the Consignment Office of the Ministry of Finance.

Do you have a question about the compensation? Answers are provided to the most Frequently Asked Questions. If you do not find an answer to a question here, you may contact the Consignment Office using this contact form.

The English version of vergoedingsns.nl (this website) is a courtesy translation only. Information presented on the Dutch version of this website (vergoedingsns.nl) is leading.